My Fam

My Fam
This is our most recent family pic, which is sad because we're missing our newest son in law and grandchild....updated pic coming soon

Wednesday, January 21, 2015



Today is the day!  Today is the day I set aside to write my very first blog post.  Today is the day my 4 year old got up way too early after not sleeping all night, which means he was not only grouchy, but because he has severe behavioral issues, continuously threw things (big things) spit, hit, screamed, and tackled anything and anyone in his path.  My 5 year old was an olympic level whiner, but who can blame her after being stalked by her little brother all morning! (yet I still found the whining to be profoundly irritating).  My 13 year old was more sullen and disrespectful than usual, and my husband left for work mad at me for a snarky comment I made to him because I was irritated with him.  Mix that all together with a one hour delayed start to the school day and you've got a big ole' pile of poo..... THAT's my reality and it's only 9am!

My first instinct was to delay writing my initial post. After all, I wanted to launch my blog with inspirational anecdotes that were to be lovely, encouraging, uplifting, and memorable in the dearest kind of way.  But, hey, poo isn't pretty and we're all about the "real" here in my house.  A neat and tidy life definitely leaves no room for the opportunity to make lemonade out of lemons (thus the name of my blog).  So, I guess I should be grateful for the LEMON of a morning I had.  How do I get to the makin' lemonade part though????......hmmm......

Deep breath......deeper breath.........Focus.......Truth..........Focus on the comes the lemonade..........

The truth is that what happened today (and, at some point, most days in our house) is REAL, but it's not my REALITY!

My REALITY is reality. is. Jesus.

My reality is that He sustained me this morning in the midst of extenuating circumstances (no children or animals were harmed in the making of this blog post).  My reality is that He sees me, He knows the deepest parts of me and He holds me while my heart breaks for my kids, even as I write this.  My reality is that I am His and He will give me everything I need today and everyday.  He shares in my suffering, as I share in the suffering of my precious children who've been hurt beyond what I could ever imagine.    My reality is that He called me to this life and, as my loving Father, it is the life He has chosen for me.  I trust Him, so I chose it too.  I wouldn't change it for anything and I would do it all over again in a heart beat.  THAT'S my reality.

So all better, right?  Silver lining found, lemonade made, right?  Nope.  My heart continuously aches for my children of trauma.  I'm completely exhausted and I need to apologize to my husband for the snarky comment this morning.  But, my heart and perspective is again aligned with Christ and, through His strength alone, I will access the Katniss Everdeen inside of me and stay instead of grabbing the credit card and hightailing it outta here "Thelma and Louise style".  I memorized Philipians 4:13 as a child, but never has the verse been so poingnant and alive to me as it is at this time in my life.  "I can do all things through Christ, who gives me strength".  I CHOOSE to believe this and I will need to CHOOSE to believe at least 10 - 20 more times before the sun goes down.

Whatever your circumstances are today, whether you're single, married without children, married with children, an empty- nester, etc.....let Jesus be your only REALITY.  He's not a genie in a bottle to be summoned to fix and change circumstances to our liking....He's BETTER.  He's sovereign and powerful and right in the middle of the circumstances with you.  He can give you grace and joy despite the crud life throws your way.......My heart is with you today as you bravely stand wherever He has put you and know that  I'll be here where He's placed me in all the chaos that is my life.....makin' lemonade!


  1. Callie, ANY time you want to talk or get together, I can meet at KCC Troy or PM me & I'll send my phone #. You have a GREAT attitude and lots of people to help but things have a way of piling up and being expelled at the wrong people. :( (Ask how I, maybe you don't need to! ;) ) Home life is messy when you have children who have been thru everything yours and mine have.

    Hey, sign the 4 & 5 year olds up for their own 'runner' at the site: . Then also ask to join the facebook closed group of I run 4 Michael. People who are runners (or do other forms of exercise) are looking for special kids/adults to encourage them to keep running/working out. They also cheer the kiddos on with their testing, school work, etc. Our runner has been in the hospital for the past week or so, so we've been sending notes to her mother & husband. She was there for Gabby & Duncan when they were sick before Christmas & when Chloe, Gabby's dog, nearly died. It would give your kids something else to look forward to a few times/week as they (the runner) posts progress pictures. We exchange packages & letters too & Gabby's talked with her runner on the phone. Just a thought.

    And really, call & ask me to drive to KCC if you're there. I'll meet you & listen. I'm more than happy to listen with my one ear. Or, bring the kiddos to my house & they can continue to mess up my basement! (NEW TOYS! YAY! Leaving to go home==boo!)

    I love you & so does Jesus! <3 You're awesome, you're real. Oh, my blog:

  2. Thanks so much for your encouragement, Lauren! You have been a true inspiration to me for years!!! Thanks, too, for the fun tips and offer of support! I love you too!!!!!

  3. Love your honesty and faith in Jesus on this blog and in life! So glad you are blogging!!! Keep it up!

  4. Thanks, Natalie! I couldn't be more grateful for your friendship, support and encouragement! LOVE YOU, GIRL!

  5. Callie, Wow! My first blog read ever! Loved it, but more than that, I love you. Thanks for sharing your heart with me and the world. Holly

    1. Thanks so, so much for your love and support for me....I love you so, so dearly!!!!!!!

  6. Love, love, love, Callie! Thank you for sharing your heart with us. Beautiful beginning. Life brings the lemons, Jesus brings the living water, you bring the sugar, sweet thing! :)

  7. You are a writer.... and a gifted one at that! Callie, I am so happy to be at the receiving end of your giftedness. Thank you for taking the time to share and uplift and encourage me, and all the rest of your followers! I am feeling closer to our sweet Savior after reading your words and feeling blessed by what you've shared. Love you lady.

  8. Love it. Thank you for your encouraging and uplifting words. You truly have made lemonade out of lemons... Can't wait to read more from you! Great job. Love Ya.
